The Benefits of Flossing Your Teeth
Regular use of dental floss removes plaque, helping to prevent the buildup of plaque, which can lead to tartar. Simply flossing your teeth can make them look brighter by removing plaque and excess food particles that you may not see in the mirror or in areas that your…
Bonding to Close Spaces
Valentine Dental Date: Tips to Have a Healthy Mouth on Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and if you’re planning a romantic date, you should make an effort to make a good first impression. Your physical appearance is the first thing people notice, but a beautiful smile is what draws them in. Yellow, stained,…
The Little Things Matter!
A New Year’s You: Dental Health Resolutions
Most New Year’s resolutions revolve around increasing your health and your wealth. If you choose to make dental resolutions around your oral care, you’ll create a win-win situation for both your oral health and financial situation. There’s no better way to solve dental issues by…