Dr Haji & Soho Dental Proud to be Featured in Zeiss Canada Article
Dr. Haji and the staff at Soho Dental are extremely proud to be the focus of Zeiss Canada’s latest article “Beyond ergonomics- microscopic dentistry in COVID-19”. Soho Dental and Zeiss Canada work closely together to provide our patients with the latest in dental technology &…
Replacement of a Ceramic Crown
The previous crown on the right lateral incisor had served the patient for many years. Unfortunately, it had cracked on the palatal aspect and required replacement. We took advantage of this opportunity to improve the colour match, add characterization and improve the gingival health at…
Zeiss Canada Visits Soho Dental
It was wonderful to have Rod and Lubna from Zeiss Canada at the clinic! I had the opportunity to talk about my favorite technology in the office, which is of course my microscope. The microscope has allowed me to practice ergonomically. It also helps me…
Discoloured Front Tooth
Our patient was concerned about her discoloured front tooth. The discolouration is a result of trauma to the tooth when she was younger. Composite resin was added to the tooth to repair a chip from the trauma. Additional composite was added to help with the…
Embracing the new reality at Soho Dental
COVID-19 has caused us all to make serious adjustments to our lives and daily routine, at Soho Dental we have embraced this change, and our staff and clients have been fantastic at working with us to achieve this “new reality” in our clinic space!
Masks, Social Distancing and Hand Hygiene
August is coming to an end and at Soho Dental, we have had another exciting month doing what we love to do! Once again, a sincere thank you for everyone’s compliance to our safety protocols when coming in for your dental visit. Masks, social distancing…
Video – External Resorption
Dr. Feisel Haji works with a patient suffering from External Resorption at Soho Dental in Toronto, Canada. External resorption is often caused by injuries to the mouth and teeth that cause swelling and loss of bone and tissue on and around a tooth. Such injuries…
Thank you to our Soho Dental Family!
A sincere thank you to our Soho Dental Family! The month of July has been busy and exciting for us all here at Soho Dental. We have been adapting to our new reality and embracing the protocols that are designed to keep us all safe….
Making it work!
The return to work has had many challenges. There has been a lot of focus on all the PPE we need. Working with the extra PPE has required a great deal of adaptability but it is doable. The other challenges are also formidable. Social distancing…
Dentist and Hygienist working side by side!
Those of you who came to Soho Dental this week for your appointment may have noticed that our hygienist, Tony, was seeing patients and providing a much needed service. In Ontario, dentists and hygienists have their own regulatory colleges and there has been…